The above title may not be completely right because the former President General provided no single evidence in his counter but for the purpose of clarity and absolute comprehension, we will respond to his empty counter point by point and paragraph by paragraph if need be.
“In dealing with a man who thinks you are a fool, it is good sometimes to remind him that you know what he knows but have chosen to appear foolish for the sake of peace”.
– Porf Chinua Achebe
Paragraph One:
Barr Titus Akpudo is no longer the President General of Eziowelle Improvement Union (E.I.U). His second and last tenure elapsed on June 30,2021, having served out his first tenure between June 27,2015 to June 30,2018 and June 30.2021. facts are sacred and the records are in the public domain. His last letter of recognition from the State Government is hereby attached.
We challenge him to tell ndi Anambra why we should address him as our PG and not former Pg.
It is not easy to cover up whatever that took place in public.
On the allegation that the “Press Release” by the Branch Chairmen and Secretaries of the three main founding branches of Abuja, Lagos and Onitsha who he addressed as insignificant in number is frivolous, malicious and intended to cause disunity, our controversial former P.G Ben Titus Akpudo has forgotten that he derived his authority from the letters of Eziowelle Improvement Union Constitution (1992) and the goodwill of our members. We would like our brother and former PG to in his understanding as a lawyer interpret the intendment of Article XVI (c) and (d) of the authentic Eziowelle Improvement Union Constitution (1992) It is also pertinent to remind him that his unilateral elongation of his tenure has no place in our constitution and he is therefore advised to toe the path of honour and stop parading himself as the PG of E.I.U or be ready to face the consequences. “The peace I am thinking is the dance of an open mind when it engage another equally open one” – Toni Morrison.
The fact that Eziowelle Community has remained peaceful as he claimed is because we do not want to wash our dirty linen in public, but the former PG Barr Titus, Akpudo is bent on destroying what bind Eziowelle together as a community. It is sad to know that as it stands now, Eziowelle Improvement Union is going nowhere slowly.
On the union having twenty-seven branches. It is a good development for the union but the former PG of the union Barr Titus Akpudo should know that whatever is worth doing must be made to follow its own proper procedure no matter what. The three branches he arrogantly ridicules are the main founding branches of the union in most communities in Anambra State and beyond. We are simply and responsiby leading the struggle for justice in our dear community as torch bearers and pathfinders. This is not just a grab-bag candy game.
On the issue of his unguarded tiredness against the chairman of Abuja Branch of the union, we sincerely do not wish to go personal like our former PG. As a lawyer, he should also know that the chairman has the fundamental right to stay in his village for as long as he wishes and to freely associate with the good people of Eziowelle Community. The Abuja Branch of the Union may not have remitted funds to the mother union due the lack of transparency and accountability in the management of the union finances since the former PG assumed office Barr. Akpudo never presented clean account of his stewardship in a well constituted General Convention of the union. That may be why some concerned members sued him for misappropriation of community fund. The Twenty Million Community choose your Project initiative of the immediate past Governor of the State would not want to go petty by exposing his antics and lack of Transparency in the administration of Anambra State association of Town Unions (ASATU). He should also be lectured on the correlation between membership being financially up to-date and election.
“The truth is not always beautiful, the hunger for it is” Nodine Gordimer”
The crux of the matter is the alleged review of Eziowelle Improvement Union (EIU), Constitution (1992) without following due process” we would not have opposed the amendment of our constitution if process complied with the provisions of the law. The law guiding the drafting or amendment of a community constitution in the state clearly states the procedure for such exercise. The law states that a community that wants to amend any section of their existing constitution must apply for approval from the State Government through the office of the Honourable Commissioner for Local Government, Chieftaincy and Community Affairs. The same law makes it clear that the approval so sought must be granted if accepted only by the Honourable Commissioner and no-one else. We want to ask our former PG, Barr. Titus Akpudo to show the world the approval he obtained from the Hon. Commissioner before embarking on the alleged amendment as a lawyer, we want him to prove us wrong.
It is certain in any case that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have”- James A Baldwin.
Assuming but not conceading that approval was granted, let him show us the level of participation of recognizsed branches and members of the union. A few questions for his answers.
· When was the constitution review committee constituted?
· Who were the members?
· How were the members selected?
· How were inputs from branches and members collated?
· How many times was the draft copy read?
· When was the draft copy adopted by the union?
· Where are the signatories of the committee members that participated in the amendment. Due to time constraints, we would like to stop here, please.
On his alleged and falsely branded “Peace Mission” it was revealed after a careful study that he was only interested in extricating himself from the complex web of law suits that his arrogance has endeared him. We also want to remind him that our courts remain the last hope of the common man. Why push for discontinuance when your hands are clean. We accepted Mr Commissioners request to discontinue the cases due to our love for Eziowelle but the former PG reneged on our goodwill by refusing to conduct election and single handedly elongated his tenure without recourse to the unions constitution.
“When a leader encourages the culture of impunity, the society is lost and it makes the work harder for the rest of us”.
Prof Wole Soyinka
On his relinquishment of power, ndi Anambra will bear us witness, the records are out in the public too. The State Government is also our witness. The letter of recognition for his second term took effect from June 30, 2018 and expired on June, 30, 2021, a three year tenure as expressly provided for in Eziowelle Improvement Union constitution (1992). Someone whose constitutional tenue elapsed since June 30,2021 and he is still holding on to illegitimate power is he not power drunk? He simply wants absolute power and that is a bad omen in Anambra State that one could pride himself as the home of rule of law in Nigeria.
Is our former PG not a disgrace to the wig for his penchart in violating the law which he swore to protect as a lawyer?
“When a mad man walks naked it is his kinsmen who feels shame, not himself”
– Prof. Chinua Achebe
He should be told in clear language that he cannot unilaterally zone, the position of the President General to where he wishes. It must be the collective will of our members that will prevail. The General Assembly being the highest decision-making organ of the union can legitimately suspend any section of the constitution in the greater interest of the community.
Barr Titus Akpudo, our former PG should make right his falsified claims and petty allegations by providing evidence.
“Sentiment is for those who do not know what to do next” – Nadine Cordimer – He should be seriously warned to stop his incessant misrepresentation of facts before his Excellency, Prof. Chukwuma Charles Soludo and Mr Commissioner for Local Govt Chieftaincy and Community Affairs. The deceit is enough.
Why did he single out the chairman of Abuja Branch of the union? He should be reminded as a lawyer that the freedom of expression and association are still the accurate norms, deceit and empty threats cannot stop him from expressing himself.
“Those whose kernels were cracked by benevolent. Spirit should not forget to be humble:
Prof Chioma Achebe
Ø It is our humble prayer that the Anambra State Government should partner with the body constitutionally recognized by Article XBI, sections (C) and (D) of the authentic Eziowelle Improvement Union Constitution (1992) in the conduct of the forthcoming union election in the community.
Ø We are also praying the State Government to ensure strict adherence to the provision of the unions constitution of 1992.
Ø Conclusively, since little issues are often at the center of many big quarrels, we graciously appeal to Mr Governor His Excellency Professor Chukwuma Soludo and Mr Commissioner to please call our former President General, Barr Titus Akpudo to order so as to stop misrepresenting the State Government to the good people of Eziowelle Community.
Meanwhile, fresh facts available to the General Assembly indicates that the Hon. Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs sent out invitations to persons unknown to the EIU as Branch Chairmen as prelude to possible electoral fraud. Mr. Nwabunwanne is working assiduously to set Eziowelle ablaze for filthy lucre. He must be called to order by His Excellency Mr. Governor before the die is cast.
Mr Ezenwa Azie and Barr Ekene Arubulueze for Abuja Branch.
Mr Anthony Oragui and Comrade Chukwubuike Okafor for Lagos Branch.
Mr Chimezie Chukwuka and Mr Chukwudi Okeke for Onitsha Branch.