Christian C. Madubuko, PhD
The Ancient Greek Hierarchy: Which Category Do You Fit Into?
In ancient Greece, the concept of democracy was revolutionized by philosophers like Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates. They defined three distinct categories of people in society: the idiots, tribesmen, and citizens. This classification system is still fascinating today, and it’s worth exploring whether you’d fit into one of these categories.
The Idiot: A Selfish and Egotistical Individual
The idiot is a person who is consumed by their own desires and interests. They prioritize their personal gain above all else, without considering the well-being of others. They have no moral compass and are driven by their own selfish desires. The idiot is not necessarily mentally deficient, but they lack empathy and understanding of the world around them. They have no character, morality, or values, and corruption is just a routine for them. They won’t contribute to the betterment of others or society, and their sole focus is on personal gain.
Today, the idiot can be seen in many forms. They may be politicians who prioritize their own power and wealth over the needs of the people. They may be a business leader who disregards the environment and worker’s rights in pursuit of profits.
This “idiot” has no qualms about exploiting others for their own benefit. They’ll smile when others are suffering and enjoy when they’re given handouts. They crave praise and will even pay big bucks for it. Their ego is sky-high, and they believe they’re the only one who knows what’s best.
In today’s society, we see this “idiot” as political leaders who prioritize their own power and wealth over the needs of the people. They don’t value the contributions of others, don’t recognize stakeholder engagement, and believe their ideas are superior to everyone else’s. They’re like a dictator, ruling with an iron fist and expecting everyone to bow down to their authority.
These “idiot”, politicians are masters of manipulation, using their charm and charisma (if they have any) to manipulate their way. They’re corrupt, inept, and self-serving.
So, beware of the “idiot” in our midst! They may be charming, but they’re ultimately a corrupt and selfish individual who only cares about their own interests. The idiot is a constant reminder that we must strive for something greater than our own self-interest.
The Tribesmen: A Group of People with a Tribal Mentality
The tribesmen are individuals who are loyal only to their own tribe or group. They prioritize their own interests above those of others and are unwilling to compromise or listen to opposing views. The tribesmen believe that they are superior to everyone else and that their way is the only way.
Today, we can see the tribesmen in action. They may be a group of individuals who are united by their shared beliefs and values but are unwilling to listen to or engage with others who have different perspectives. They may be a political party that is more concerned with advancing its own interests than with working towards the common good.
The Citizen: A Selfless and Public-Spirited Individual
The citizen is the ideal person in society. They are a selfless and public-spirited individual who prioritizes the well-being of others above their own interests. The citizen is someone who has the skills and knowledge to understand public life and is willing to work towards the common good.
Today, we can see the citizen in action. They may be a community leader who is dedicated to improving the lives of others. They may be a politician who is committed to serving the public interest rather than their own personal interests. The citizen is a constant reminder that we must strive for something greater than our own individual interests.
So, Which Category Do You Fit Into?
Are you an idiot, consumed by your own selfish desires? Are you a tribesman, loyal only to your own group or tribe? Or are you a citizen, dedicated to serving the greater good? Take a moment to reflect on your actions and priorities. Which category do you fit into?
Dr. Christian C. Madubuko is a Political & Diplomatic Historian.